Cleanliness professions

Cleanliness professions

Manage your activity in real time with MOZAIK Clean

Manage your activity in real time with MOZAIK Clean

MOZAIK Clean is Penbase’s site tracking, quality and traceability solution.

Fluid and responsive, the MOZAIK Clean ecosystem is made up of different business applications (agent, supervisor, inspector, customer) which connect to each other in real time.

With MOZAIK Clean, you add the essential mobility brick to your activity.


MOZAIK Clean from Penbase is:

years of experience


MOZAIK Clean connects all the Cleanliness players in real time.​

Clocking, with MOZAIK Agent

Mobile application, pointing box and connected terminal

Intervention planning

Scores reported in real time

Tasks to complete

Reporting with photo taking

Integrated PTI

Management, with MOZAIK Manager

Web software and mobile application

Creation and management of schedules

Alerts and reports

Use of scores

Quality, with MOZAIK Qualité

Web software and mobile application

Management of planning and controls

Voice dictation and photo taking

Signing on screen

Sharing, with MOZAIK Connect

Web customer portal

Configuration by the supervisor

Effectiveness of services

Sharing of tasks carried out

Feedback of reports

User satisfaction

Users can also access the MOZAIK Clean ecosystem

Scan QR code, connected terminal

Configuration by the supervisor

Effectiveness of services

Intervention planning

The advantages of MOZAIK Clean

Reporting of scores in real time

Report with photo taken

PTI: Protection of the Lone Worker

Site planning

Management of alerts and anomalies

Integration with business software

Flexible control management

Sharing information with all stakeholders

Presentation video


We were inspected by the labor inspectorate last year, and the feedback was that the score was exemplary with MOZAIK Clean.


It’s a simple solution to implement. The Penbase Pocket is small and practical: it’s light and fits easily in a handbag.

Clean 73

Thanks to MOZAIK Clean, we create and manage schedules more easily. We know if the agents are on site on time and control the smooth running of the services.

DBD Nettoyage

Some of our employees do not know how to read or write: the application had to be easy to use. This is a criterion that made us choose MOZAIK Clean.

Groupe SPH

Our engagements



    Immeuble Le 610 – Bâtiment D

    10, rue Louis Breguet

    34830 Jacou – France

    +33 4 30 78 17 40

    Technical support is available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    MOZAIK Clean